Abstract box in the background
Abstract checkbox in the background
Abstract checkbox tail in the background

User Guide

How to use the Access App

Make sure you have a Solana wallet ready!
Supported wallets: Phantom, Solflare, Torus, Ledger, Coinbase
Press the connect wallet button on the top right -
be sure to connect the wallet with your ACS in it!
Don't have SOL in your wallet? Not to worry!
Access pays your transaction fees! If you have SOL in your wallet,
be sure the balance is > 0.01.
If you don't have ACS yet, please buy ACS token from our
trusted exchange partners.
Go to
Step 1
Approve the transaction request from the application in your connected wallet.

Access pays your transaction fees if you do not have SOL in your wallet!

Step 2
Select a creator that you wish to subscribe to.

Here you can see 2 numbers next to the creator icon:
  • The number fo total staked ACS under this creator
  • The number of ACS you need to stake for the subscription of the creator

In this case we'll choose WuBlockchain!
Step 3
Select the amount that you wish to lock into the creators pool, and press the lock button.
Step 4
Approve the transaction in your connected wallet
Step 5
You are now locked in the creators pool! You can unlock your ACS by switching to the 'Unlock Button'

Learning about your “Content Portfolio”

The Image below displays a high level overview of your content portfolio.
In this case the user has:
1,690 ACS Available
this is ACS that is not locked in any particular creator pool.
3,063 ACS locked
this is the aggregate amount of ACS locked across all creators.
20,000 airdrop
this is the 'locked airdrop' that was conducted with the Access initial set of partners (more details on this can be found later on!)
Based on this users portfolio, they receive 7 ACS a day in content rewards.
Step 6

Access content rewards

To view your profile content rewards, click 'Content Rewards' from the left hand menu:
Step 7

Content Rewards Page

The content rewards page is where you can claim your daily rewards! These rewards become available at roughly ~3:30pm every day UTC.
This page summarizes the creators that you have locked with, and the rewards you can claim from each. In this case, the user has only been staking for a few hours, so not many rewards to claim!
By clicking on the Claim ACS button you can claim your rewards.
Step 8
Approve the transaction and you will receive your rewards, which you can use to lock in new creator pools!
Step 9

Access “Locked Airdrop”

In coordination with our partners, such as Candy Program on Coingecko Access conducted a locked airdrop for early users, which are currently staked in respective pools.
If you have a valid “locked airdrop” in your wallet, it will be displayed as the last item on the left hand menu.
Step 10
On this page you can view theamount of ACS you've been granted, the pool its been locked in, andthe date in which you can unlock it. In this case, the ACS is locked for 1 year, so the total is 0.
Additionally, you can see the total amount given to you, the pool it is locked in, and the date that you will be able to unlock it.
Step 11